Friday, March 26, 2010

Ok, Ok, I realize I may sound hypocritical...

Given the fact that a few posts ago I was berating PC gamers for bitching about not being able to cheat, and with the vast array of PC Gamers lamenting the so-called "death" of PC Gaming, I've been increasingly irritated by this seemingly meaningless "war."

Let me paint a picture, if you will indulge me, of the issue. Many companies have started to produce cross-platform games and many of these games are not necessarily optimized for PCs. Since they have to run on a variety of hardware configurations, they need to be set for these consoles to play them.

I will freely admit that PCs are capable of much better graphics than consoles. However, when you look at the fact that hardware has reached a point of diminishing returns, it's not rocket science to come to the conclusion that it really doesn't matter all that much. I get just as much entertainment out of games regardless of the system I play them on.

Added to this the irrational fear that lack of PC exclusivity means that manufacturers have forgotten them, makes PC gamers rather paranoid.

Which, somewhat, leads me to my point. Why is there such a paranoia? Instead of focusing on the idea that we are all video gamers, PC gamers have latched onto this fear of being forgotten.

Fear not, my PC playing brethren! PC gaming will never die. And I certainly hope it does not, for you are the regulating force which keeps all of the console fanboys in line!

PC Gamers, rock on!